Thursday, May 21, 2020

Z is for Zombie!!

For a long, long time there was no painting.  Oregon.  Texas.  Germany.  The Balkans.  All was sleeping on cots and living out of ruck sucks and duffel bags.  Bare minimums.  No legions of little metal friends.  No fleets of resin tanks nor paint daubed hands and glued-together fingertips.  No hobby time.
Somewhere in there came the co-vid or something near enough to it as made no difference.  I felt lousy for about five days. We all did.   I din't die.  Come to think of it, hardly any of us did.  We are in a little place high in the mountains.  I miss little Mouse and Mrs. Mouse.  All is rifles and helicopters and uniforms but it's not like the old days.  Not like the wars.  Nobody to throw bullets and mortar rounds at us.  Safe.  But dull.  I like the mountains.  I like the local people, as far as I've gotten to know them.  I love my boys.  But it is strange.
Packages began to arrive.  The co-vid silliness kept them held up for a long time but at last things began to trickle in.  Boxes of paints and brushes.  Tiny tubs of flock and fine gravel.  Plastic cases I'd filled months ago with based and primed minis and sealed and had shipped to me by friends and family.  I pulled them out of their foam beds and began to slap paint on them!  Huzzah!
Zombies!  I loved the Living Dead movies when I was a youngster and love them still today.  For years I'd been tempted to build a zombies-overrunning-civilization game but then the vogue for all things zombie hit and the glitter wore off the idea.  I've lost all interest in that but I still wanted to paint up some of these classic Ral Partha Zombies for D&D type games.  I plan to incorporate them into a Dragon Rampant army as a 'ravenous horde' unit as well.

These are very ancient 'true 25s'...much too small to fit in with other manufacturers but I love them.  They all come from the old "Zombie Master" set, although I bent some limbs here and there to add some variety.
Here is the Zombie Master himself.  Sinister Voodoo Cult leader type.  Sort of fellow you'd like to  sit  under a weeping willow and sip brain soup with.  Mmm... 

I'm planning on adding a lot more old school 'true 25s' to my collection while I'm here. Mostly D&D adventurers and various monsters for them to fight but also the first of a great many old Tom Meier Colonials!

Remember this classic?  Think I'll go watch it before bed...


  1. Wonderfully old school! Love them Mr. Mouse.

  2. Nice work and glad to see you safe and painting again... well done.

    1. Thanks, Springinsfeld! It felt certainly felt good to get the brushes out again!

  3. I'm sat in the garden in the sun and can barely read the screen let alone see the pictures but it's good to see you posting,

    1. Yeah it's been a while, hasn't it? Back now, though!

  4. Hey Mr. Mouse, I’m very glad to see your blog is still going strong. Those zombies of yours are quite lovely in a shuddering, Hairs on the back of your neck kind of way. I encourage you to reconsider the creation of your own rules set; I’m sure it will be great.
