Now, to his supreme joy, Unkelphart is allowed to accompany Big Blackie almost everywhere he goes, so long as he stays downwind of the Orc Warlord's chariot.
Unkelphart's banner may seem improbably enormous, but one of those little things that made so many of those old second and third edition armies so great was those gigantic army standards that seemed so common back then. Banners so big you could see them clearly not only from across the room, but from other parts of the house.
I definitely wanted that look for Big Blackie's horde, so I snipped this beautiful standard out of the back of the Heroes for Wargames book for Unkelphart to schlep around on a frame I made out of wooden dowel.
Finished it off with bits of artist's wire, green stuff and a plastic new-school Ogre Kingdoms ram skull bit I scooped up on ebay. An arcane armorial on the shield to match the banner, and done. I think he looks pretty good. Better than he smells, anyway. Oh, and thanks to Private Weird, whose groovy, old-schooly, wizard-painted-on-the-side-of-your-vany, Hawkwind in the tapedecky, lava lampy, under black lightsy post from the other day helped restore my morale after the chariot calamity.
Obviously I won't be ready for the Big showdown 'twixt Big Blackie's Orcs and Aulech Henschblut's Chaos minions by the end of January, as I'd hoped. I think I'll try to regroup and go back to finishing one subject a month for the next three months. Unkelphart here will be January's subject. Next month I'll do the second chaos baggage train section, which I've already started. That will leave just Willie da Wheela's chariot squadron in March before I finally return to big Blackie and his Ultimate Black Chariot of Blackness. Sound like a plan, Mouse? Yeah, Mouse. Good plan. Go wif it! Ok, Mouse, thanks. And.......
"...Ere we go!" |