...one squad of close combat Gretchin...
...and another of blunderbusiers!
Either squad makes a fine meat shield for the regular Ork boys to advance behind!
"Ere we come!"
Sneaky git advances with blunderbuss...
...Veteran Gretchies!
My Rogue Trader Ork horde is very nearly complete now. All I have left to do really are a Dreadnought and a special unit of Giant Bat riding cavalry, The Dung Bat Boys...I'm still collecting the bats for those...I am so fond of my Space Orks, however that I will probably never stop collecting them. I would like a Weird Boy, particularly one of those large models that incorporate the Weird Boy and his minders into a single casting, and an alternate figure to represent my War Boss...
...but that's about it!
I call this fellow Gonzo. Don't know why. Forgot to darken in the barrel of his blunderbuss though.A handful of Imperial Guardsmen desperately attempt to hold back the Gretchin assault...Doesn't look like they're doing too well so far...