An eccentric few have taken to serving as mercenaries in the forces of the planet's notorious Gang Bosses, or have taken up the distinctly un-Orky business of trading goods with some of the locals. Sometimes that gets boring, though, and you just have to start a fight with somebody.
Which is fine. really 'cause in The Reach there's always somebody who's willing to fight about something.
There are the Voldraadi, who run the place and who are attempting to run the Space Marines and Imperial Guard out of the system. The Emperor's finest are not budging, but they don't have the strength to launch a direct assault on the Voldraadi capitol of Geminion Prime. So they content themselves with trying to destabilize the Voldraadi power structure on other planets in the system. On Geminion Secundus, Imperial loyalists try to help the Space Marines topple the Voldraadi government while powerful Gang Lords attempt to carve their own squalid empires out of the decaying flesh of Voldraadi society. In and out of the chaos and carnage wander the Orks and the Eldar pirates, the dreaded Void Wasps and the Steel Breeze. All have clashed with Imperial forces, and are happy to help the conflict continue as long as possible in order to gain the greatest possible profit from it.
Snargrel Barffbagg is fairly exemplary of the hateful Orkish scum who have haunted the Wailing Reach in the last few years. He is well known to have traded weapons and drugs to Geminion Gangers like Pieter Porque in exchange for human slaves, has fought the Dead Men Space Marines as a mercenary working for the Voldraadi, and is believed to have been behind the infamous raid on the Imperial armory on Nepenthe. The sooner he is hunted down and made an example of, the better.
Yar! My first new Space Orks in many a moon! The oldest Space Orks, the ones that came before they all had the separate plastic arms are my favorite range, and I intend to build my Ork gang more or less exclusively of them.
I tried to match the colors on the boys to those on the old Space Ork Raiders boxed set 'cause I'm very fond of it and tend to wax mighty nostalgic when gazing upon it.
"Let's get 'em, boys!!" |