Dis 'ere is me chariot see? I callit me Ultimate Black Chariot o' Blackness 'cause its more scary if I calls it dat an' it kills stuff better if it's black!!! What? C'mon, evverbuddy knows dat! 'S got 3...7...12...I dunno... a lotta boars to a pull it! An' big old wheels and knives on da front dat's good for stabbin peeple as I drive by!! Haw Haw!! 'S great!
Now yoo know wot? I shoulda had me chariot a long time ago. Long time ago dis bastard Mouse was buildin' it fer me an' was takin a reel long time cause it was a lotta work...see 'e took an Old Glory Orc Chariot and 'e was tinkerin' and doin' all dis stuff wivvit...took the douchey wulves dat came wivvit off and put on some real proper Marauder boars...
...changed out da driver wif a proper citadel/marauder croo...an' 'cause 'e's a big gurl 'e went to da craft store an' bought some dowel and joolree wire to make da harness fer me boars...haw haw! Went to da craft store...gurly bastard...
Still...I gotta givvit 'im...me chariot looked pretty good until...right at the end when it wuz almost all done? Da daft bastard dropped it. Smash!!
So what does Mouse do? Does 'e fix it? No! 'E's all feelin' sorry fer imself...trows me chariot inna shoe box an' fergits about it. Well...Ain't dat a fine howdoyado? So ere I am sittin' inna box fer two yeers while dis bastard gits over hisself. "Oh lookit me...I'm Mouse...My life's hard 'cause I broke me miniature chariot....wah wah wahhh..."
Well...fank Da Gods de uvver day Mouse finally grabs his 'sack, gits me outta da box and starts commencin' ta git me chariot all fixed up. Dese 'ere are me drivers, Farkel an' Snert. Good boys, allowin' dat dey ain't proper Black Orcs, just regular gurly Orcs. Steady in a fight, though. Gotta givvit to 'em!
Dis bastard on da uvver hand...grr...'e 'angs off da back of Da Ultimate Black Chariot 'o Blackness...ever once inna while takes a swipe at some stunty dat's already got run over by da boars an' acts like he did sumfin big...arrghh...woulda killed him a long time ago but the basturd married me dotter so I gotta put up wif him an' pertend like I like 'im a bit while I figger out a way for him to have a conveenyent 'accident'...know what I mean?
Oh!! Dis 'ere issa good pitcher of me! Look! I look pretty good, huh? Sometimes a boss hasta git out and fight wiv his boys on foot, an' as luck hazzit, da space in da Old Glory Orc Chariot is exactly big enough to hold a 25mm base, so Mouse decided to model me separate so I can ride inna chariot or go ground poundin' wiv' me Black Orc bodyguard. Mouse is workin on paintin' dem up...dey should be ready before da big snow...Oy! Lookit me Axe! Pretty fancy, eh? 'S a magick axe!! When I wuz casted at da big factry in Engalund dey gave me a little gurly stick wiv some little balls on da end ov it...might be able ta beat yer pet hamster wiv sumfin like dat, but are ya gonna fight Stunties wivvit? Naw, dat be stoopid! So Mouse filed and sawed dat liddle stick off and gave me a proper magick axe instead!!!!! Now Look!!! WAGGHH!!! WAGGHH!! See how dat chops? Pretty nice huh? 'S great fer hoomies! Take dis to fight da hoomies, hoomies dey seys, "No, no!!! Yoo cant do that, I got hooman roights!" An den I choppem in half! HAW HAW HAW! Ain't life grand?
Oy! 'Ere's annuver good pitcher of me...see I got me army banner dere...and dere on me roight is...um...I know 'e's important...a wizzurd or somefin' but 'e's just a gobbo so I can't remember his name...oh, an' dere's some of me crossbow boy's back der...see 'em? sharp boys, they is...
Da Last fing a Stuntie sees...WWWWWOOOOORRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"