Friday, July 31, 2020

Pulp: Little Cairo Part 1 of Many: Intrepid Archaeologists!

Deep into the desert we go in search of great mysteries and maybe, just maybe...great fame and fortune as well! These minis are the very first in another big project I'm calling Little Cairo, which I'll finish God knows when.  These are, of course, from Bob Murch's Pulp Figures line and they were a joy to paint.  Nice clean lines and very easy on the eyes.  Little Cairo is a Pulp fantasy setting which I intend to populate with heroes, villains, mummies, Nazis, Cthulhuoid terrors and whatever else I can dream up.
Striking a heroic pose as he gazes out across Ozymandias' lone and level sands is the leader of our little expedition...
Thoughtfully fingering the holster of her pistol as she holds her lantern up to illumine the darkness of a desert tomb, a pretty professor prepares to plumb perilous plutonian...p...I ran out of p's...
A pair of investigators scour the sands in search of clues to mysteries better left unsolved...
We'll start digging right, I should think...
Billy Barnum was captain of  the rowing team at Miskatonic.  Not the greatest Archaeology student, but a good natured fellow and useful in a fight...
Dig not here, O stranger, Lest ye awaken Nyar...Nyarlat...Nayarlathotep from his ageless slumber?  Nyarlathotep?  What the bloody hell is a Nyarlathotep?

Into the desert!
A snap of Little Cairo I took before I left home...just have to paint about a hundred citizens, adventurers, gendarmes, spies, Indiana Jones types and the like.  That should take a while.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Rogue Trader: Scout Section and Sanctioned Psyker, 3rd Company, 9th Nepenthe Imperial Guard Regiment

 Nothing too exciting tonight....just a squad of scouts and an onion headed Psyker for my Old School
Imperial Guard Army.  I think they came out ok for the most part, but once again the eyes were my nemesis.  Oh well. Time to move on to the next thing.  Mayhap at some point I will find the strength to try and revisit the eyes.
 The Rogue trader era Imperial Guard army list has no scout troops per se, just Ratling Snipers and Sentinel scout walkers.  For my 9th Nepenthe Regiment unit, though, I wanted an option for some Reconnaissance infantry.  It might be that scanner technology and psychic powers have made scout troops an anachronism in the age of the Imperium but the 9th Nepenthe still relies on them to locate the enemy and guide friendly forces into position to destroy them.  Was never keen on the idea of space hobbits so no Ratlings for me.  Here the squad leader, armed with a captured shuriken catapult, leads the way forward.
 Two scout rifle men take aim at the enemy...
 My concept for the squad was a nine man configuration with a squad leader and a pair of four man observation teams armed with las guns and led by a corporal armed with a sniper rifle.
 One of the Snipers...with a subdued version of the usual bright red and yellow 9th Nepenthe badge.

 A veteran scout sneaks up on an enemy sentry with his knife...
 The sanctioned psyker with his enormous chainsword.  Perhaps he is accompanying this recon squad in order to lend his scrying powers to their efforts.
The recon team sets off in search of the Orks...good luck, lads!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Old School Ral Partha D&D Dungeon Party #1

 Swords Against Darkness! Having just met at the local tavern, a party of adventurers decide to set out for The Caverns of Chaos or The Caves of the Unknown or The Palace of the Silver Princess or The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth...
...or wherever.  Let's wish them luck.  I've been wanting to build parties of adventurers for skirmishy, dungeon crawl games for a long time.  Years back, I tried to get started with Grenadier minis from the same period but it didn't really work out, so I've shifted to some of the very first minis I was ever exposed to as a youngster, the early Ral Partha figures of Tom Meier, Julie Guthrie and Dennis Mize.
These minis were more challenging for me than normal 'cause they're so darn small.  This guy was going ok until I started on the shield.  The shield was an experiment, an attempt to do some freehand stuff, which I never do 'cause I suck at it, also an attempt to do an old school looking Warhammery shield, but it doesn't suit the figure, really.  Maybe its a shield he took off a dead Orc.
Dwarf and Cleric...
Thief and a Fighter-Magic User.  I like how the thief came out, but I kept screwing up the F/MU's eyes and tried over and over to re-do them 'til the paint caked up and now he looks like a mutant.
I am a bit pleased with how the Sorceress came out...
Nice figure...
A nice detail is the face carved on her staff. 
A brought a bunch more of these with me and should have three or four more parties finished by the time I get home.  I brought a few monsters for them to fight too.
'Huzzah!  We're off!'

You meet in a tavern...