Friday, July 31, 2015

Pulp Monsters: Hunting Horror, Vagina Dentata and The Shadow Beast

Deep within the Ruins at the edge of the world, three delightful flavors of soul obliterating terror await our investigators....
The Hunting Horror nests in the High Vaulted hall just within the ruins' entrance.  On moonless nights its writhes sinuously through the arches and rafters to the threshold, then launches its great bulk into the night.  Vast, leathery wings catch the night air and hold the horrid beast aloft as it wings its way through the rain forest, searching for prey with its great, lamp like eyes.  The sudden descent of its great, glowing orbs are the last things its victims ever see.

The Vagina Dentata.  She...well.  Ah... Ya know, I had a whole piece on her prepared, but I assume little kids see this site once in a while?  Could be that the less we say about her, the better?  At least for now.  More later, maybe.
The Shadow Beast.  This perpetually ravenous demon is said to be formed from darkness, and the shadow is its element.  Light can not hurt the Shadow Beast, but it will cause him to become less substantial. In broad sunlight he becomes as a shadow, quivering at the edge of an investigator's peripheral vision, and is quite harmless.

As darkness grows, his great grasping strength waxes.  In the lightless depths of the abandoned vaults and caverns he favors, his grip is as iron and the investigator's end is horrible and swift.  Before going in search of him, make sure to bring extra batteries for the flashlight.

In an inner courtyard, Dr. Gruber stumbles into the Vagina Dentata.  "Ach!  I must apologize, Madame.  I am afwaid zat perhaps I...have ze wong woom?
Professor Trimble patiently explains to the Shadow Beast that no creature remotely resembling it is known to science, and that, as such, it is highly unlikely that it actually exists, unless as an ill-understood folk memory of ancient, half-forgotten Pagan practices which faded out as Christianity became the dominant cultural force in the region.  Eyewitnesses claimed that the Shadow Beast actually paused to consider this alarming possibility for a moment, then seized Trimble and proceeded to eat him head first...One of the Professor's shoes, all that was left of him after the incident, is on display in Arkham library to this day.


  1. All sorts of wonderfully creepiness here, thatShadow Beast is a fair size too.

    1. Thanks, Michael! And yes, he's a big fellow. Very characterful sculpt. I like him.

  2. Very cool. Unfamiliar with the Vagina Dentata mini. Also by Genadier?

    1. Thanks, Finch! She's actually called the She Beast. She was part of the Chill Nightmares boxed set which Grenadier did in support of the Chill role-playing game way back in the day. Great set, beautiful figures, but you don't see them surface very often.

    2. She Creature, not She Beast. Sorry

    3. Well, now I have something to discuss with my therapist.

      (Brilliant work, by the way!)

    4. Thanks, Matthew! Yeah, it's a pretty uncomfortable but interesting theme in American and Asian myth and folklore. Tales concerning vagina dentata come from North America, South America, India and China. Most tales are remarkably similar, and relate an event in which a hero or trickster god knocks the teeth out, thus making intercourse feasible and paving the way for the creation of the human race. Some scholars think the tales may have their origin in the observation of the formation of dermatic cysts. Deeply alarming but fascinating subject.
