Monday, September 23, 2019

Fecadermis Ringwurmm's Clan Rat Regiment!

Scurrying triumphantly through the ruins of a human town come Clan Chieftain Fecadermis Ringwurmm's Clan Rats, eagerly seeking more filth and victims!  Yay!
Well to the fore (since there are no enemies in sight just now) is Fecadermis himself, armed with a cruel and grimy scimitar and what appears to be a cluster of poison wind globes.
Rat drummer.  This is my first Skaven Clan Rat regiment, but not the last, as these regular troops constitute the backbone of any Skaven horde...three more of these regiments will follow in the fullness of more hand weapon and shield regiment and two spear and shield regiments...the largest will have thirty six models.
The standard bearer hoists aloft the ragged, crusty banner of his clan, all the while encouraging the more reticent amoung the hoist with an occasional flick of his whip...
The bulk of the troopers from this unit are derived from the ancient Warhammer Fantasy Regiments boxed set, first released in 1990 or 1991. Above is half of a two page advertisement which appeared in an issue of Dragon magazine that came out around that time.  Mightily impressed was I, yet a lanky teenager by the sight of those smart ranks of unlovely creatures...
Close up of one of the plastic Skaven painted by some youthful hand long ago...The detail on these, as you can see, is not great and I normally abhor plastic, but some of the figures from the Fantasy Regiments boxed set inspire such a sharp pang of nostalgia that I can give them a pass...

On the left are two of the plastic models, and on the right two metal ones which I used to fill out some gaps in the ranks.  
Closer look at the plastics...they aren't that bad but...

...the metals are clearly the better my eye anyway.

Grr...Fecadermis's warriors advance.....

"Forward!  Victory is ours!"