Monday, November 4, 2019

Knights of the Mittelmark Pt. 5...More Knights and Some Artillery

Guns of the Army of the Prince von Refn stand ready to vomit death into the ranks of his enemies...Typically a knight of von Refn's realm is expected to bring 10 foot soldiers with him to the Raven Standard when called, but these evidently wealthier knights have chosen to bring a gun and crew each in lieu of infantry.  Undoubtedly this improves their standing in the eyes of their Prince.
A veteran crew position their weapon with utmost care...
Another crew brace for the firing of their dangerous charge...
As is typical in von Refn's army, the crews wear the colors of their patrons.
Another shot of the battery...

A less finely accoutered but nevertheless expert crew site in their gun on the enemy...
All figures in this post are from Foundry's old Medieval collection, which I think were sculpted by the Perry brothers way back in the day.  I'm very fond of the line.
A scruffy old war horse
There's a lot of character in these minis...
Love this guy.

So an important step forward for my Warhammer humans.  It occurs to me that my medieval collection might soon be big enough for some Lion Rampant type skirmish games in addition to the Warhammery sword and sorcery stuff.
The fellow on the left wasn't much of a success but I'm not unhappy with the one on the right.  The horse on the left is a bit of a weak sculpt.
Huzzah!  Off to fight the Orcs or whomever else might be available.  I've got a clutch of spell caster types I'm working on.  They'll be the next addition to the army.


  1. Great work. These are some of my favourite medieval figures. Still excellent after 30 years in production.

    1. Thanks, Springinsfeld! Agree this line is terrific!

  2. These are superb! Some of the expressions are hilarious, in a good way.

    1. Thanks very much, Michael! The sculpts do have a lot of character. I love 'em!

  3. They all look pretty good to me, you're right about the range there's loads of character in the faces. Funny I was looking at some of these earlier today, thinking I really should repaint or touch up some of the ones I painted years ago.
    So much to do so little time to do it in.
    Will you post your game ic you get to play?

    1. I do like this line a great deal. Strange to think the Perrys were just pups when they sculpted them given how nice they are. As they appeared in the 3rd Edition Warhammer books they must have been sculpted in the early 80s...
      I really should post another game but it might not be for some time as I am leaving for Europe in January and won't be back for a good long while.

    2. Your trip sounds intriguing, is this for work or pleasure. I do like trips that last a good long while. Hope you have a good time.

    3. Sorry for the delay in response. Have not had a chance to visit the blog for a while. Its not for pleasure. Something about keeping various Balkan communities from killing each other any more than is absolutely necessary. Wont have much opportunity for gaming where I will be but I do hope to have lots of time for painting. Will be having Mrs. Mouse mail me Chessex boxes full of my minis while I'm there.

  4. I think some of these sculpts made appearances in white dwarf or some WFB publication? They look exceedingly familiar.....

    1. Yep. Pretty sure some of the castings appear in the old 3rd edition rule book and in the Warhammer Armies book as well.
