Monday, April 29, 2013

At Last...Buboe Sourwing Takes Flight

 Well, that took a long time.  About a year, actually.  About this time last annum, I posted the conversion and green stuff work I'd done on Buboe, as well as the (I hope) queasily creepy, disturbing and repugnant history of my Nurglesque champion.
I started painting him, got to a certain point and just stopped.  I wasn't happy with him and I felt stuck.  Also, he was desperately top heavy and kept tipping over onto his face all the time, poor guy.  Slowly his scenic base grew to include green stuff boulders with metal shavings in them and recently the Nurglings, and now he is fairly well balanced.
Finally I sat down with him this afternoon, and decided to just finish him, even if I wasn't completely happy with him....
 I think he looks acceptable, if not great, and I'm glad he's done and can go hang out with his pals in Buzzgobb's chaos horde...  Buboe is an oldschool Citadel Beastman mounted on a Ral Partha Plague Fly...

The green stuff blanket I used to disguise Bubo's original lead base as he crouches on the fly's back came out better than anything else on the mini, I think...
 How to use Buboe in game terms?  I had originally intended to make him a champion, but now I think I'll field him as a sorcerer...more appropriate, I think, because he's so puny...
 I figure the fly could in most games count as a normal chaos steed, or I suppose I could add more Nurglings to the base and maybe use the model as a palanquin of Nurgle...(?)

...The bell tolls for thee!